Extending Jetstream

The primary means of extending Jetstream is by developing new data components, which is relatively easy. The architecture overview describes how data components fit in Jetstream & what their role is.

Architecture overview

This diagram illustrates how Jetstream provides for running a configurable sequence of data-processing steps, implemented as a ‘pipe‘ of Input, Inspector, Transformer and Output components.


Jetstream runs component pipes using what is called a Streamer.

Implementing components

If you’re not sure what kind of component to develop, maybe it’s useful to read on some thoughts on what different components can be used for, see Data component use cases.

To create a component, Jetstream needs to be able to call a component factory, passing it two parameters:

  1. configuration settings (a mapping)
  2. the data stream (an iterable)

It is the responsibility of the factory to return the component; a component is anything that implements the iterator protocol, producing the data stream. Such as for example a Python generator function.

In practice, it is convenient to implement the factory and the component using a single class that accepts the configuration settings and the stream as parameters to its constructor, implements an __iter__ method that yields (making the method a generator), and implements __call__ so that it returns self.

Which is precisely what these (abstract) base classes in the jetstream.base module provide.

They simply implement a passthru component that does nothing to the stream.


For a minimal implementation, override the __iter__ method of a base component with a generator function (anything that yields). The stream parameter (passed to the component at initialization) is accessible at self._stream.


invent type identification of generator function components so that they can by used as components, ie. without subclassing

Input components

In addition to implementing some data reading capability, Input components need to provide an indexer that returns a mapping of data to be indexed.

the get_key method that should return a (attributename, attributetype) tuple. Jetstream will use that information to index the data, associating it with the the Streamer run, which in turn logs information such as configuration, source and timestamp.

The component should be able to handle the data stream regardless of how many records it provides.

since the number of records that can be read may be limited in many ways; for example by the data source:

  • data may contain a fixed number of records by nature
  • there may be usage limits to data volume or time of day
  • there is an error at data source

... or by user context:

  • data may be limited by authentication > authorization
  • only a subset of available data is requested by query terms
  • user may want a smaller number of records than what is available

... or due to an error occurring at the data source or network:

  • data stream may unexpectedly terminate, or may arrive only partially

It is of course also possible that data is available ad infinitum.


capability declarations related to stream reading abilities

Inspector components

Transformer components

Output components

and an Output is allowed to return an exhausted iterator.

Registering components

Components don’t necessarily need to be registered; they can always be referred to using the use field of the YAML component configuration.

However, registering components makes it easier to use them.

Jetstream uses the standard setuptools entry points API for pluggable component registrations. Each entry point is expected to resolve to a component factory that is a callable accepting two parameters:

  1. configuration settings (a mapping)
  2. the data streamer (an iterable)

The entry points to register under are as follows, one for each component type:

  • jetstream.input
  • jetstream.inspector
  • jetstream.transformer
  • jetstrem.output

Here is an example entry point declaration to go into your package’s setup.py:

entry_points = {
    'jetstream.input': [
        'NoSQLInput = jetstream.nosqlinput.component:get_component'

This would register the get_component function found in module jetstream.nosqlinput.component as the factory for an Input component called “NoSQLInput”.

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