
data stream
collection of data records produced and consumed by data components
data source
data destination
data endpoint
where you get data from or write to: SQL database, CSV file, REST api ...
data components
data component
Components are the basic building blocks of Jetstream pipes. There are four types of (data) components: Input, Inspector, Transformer or Output components.
data pipe
a “master” component composed of several data components piped together and run in order by a Jetstream Streamer

Part of Jetstream framework that:

  1. composes a pipe from two or more components
  2. adds instrumentation in between every ‘slot’ or ‘connection’ between two components
  3. runs the pipe, indexing received records, performing logging and producing a report of the run
a component reading data from an data source, for example from an SQL database
a component that analyses the data stream and performs actions depending on data content; for example a validating Introspector can raise an error upon seeing incomplete data
a component that modifies a data stream
a component writing to a data source, for example to a CSV file

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